Friends of
Northside ISD
What we're about.
FONL's mission is to promote and support the vital role of the school library in the educational experience.
Our goals and objectives are to:
Educate the community (parents, students, employees, residents) about library services that impact reading, critical thinking, and lifelong learning essential to a democratic society.
Sponsor district-wide literacy events.
Host an informational and educational website.
Support activities of the NISD libraries.
Advocate for school libraries at all levels (campus, district, city, state, nation).
Nerdvana Con - December each year
Northside's only event dedicated to encouraging students who have a passion for the artistic and literary depth of anime, manga, and graphic arts. Students get to meet famous graphic novelists, voice actors, cosplay developers, and learn how to make a living in this vibrant field.
LibraryPalooza - February each year
San Antonio's premier young adult book and author festival. Students get to meet their favorite YA authors, get their books autographed, and learn about the writing process from the experts.
StoryFest - each spring
Elementary level author festival. Games, book fair, guest authors, and much more for elementary students.